1. High-class escorts are very often highly educated. Even if they do not have always a high formal education, they are highly educated in the ways of the world.
2. High-class ladies have a very rare beauty and do not feel the need to conform. They have something special – a “je ne sais quoi” – you know it and feel it when you see it.
3. High-class escorts are wise and are not easily charmed. They will let themselves go whilst you share quality time together, but they know to not cross boundaries which should not be crossed. If a client tries to cross a line, the client will likely lose the chance to enjoy the Lady’s company again. The wise clients are thus subtle, discreet and stay within the boundaries.
4. High-class escorts are sensible, refined and often full of delightful surprises. They might even educate clients because their senses are wide open and have experiences to share. They might show clients what they had never expected to ever discover in their life.
5. Many high-class elite escorts in London or elsewhere have not had any plastic surgery. Often, they are 100% natural and become even more attractive with a natural ageing process.
6. Whilst high-class escorts’ backgrounds differ significantly, they often come from a very high class or even aristocratic background.
7. High-class elite escorts enjoy and live this double-life because they thrive on the excitement and are very discreet. They do not need to show off and often they prefer quiet discretion to overt public and ostentatious display. They create their own excitement rather than having to make a loud public statement to attract attention. As the old saying goes, “still waters run deep”.
Book your wonderful Dazzling Lady well in advance and discover the world of high-class escorts. To avoid disappointment, please give us time to arrange your liaison with one of these amazing Dazzling Ladies – you will be glad you did!